My Location

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Fields Area Measure

Calculate any area on map

Scientific Calculator

Scientific calculations were never easier

Maps Distance Calculator

Calculate any distance on map


Minimalist pro thermometer


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We improve life standarts of individuals through high quality apps

Our portfolio of apps has something to offer for everyone

Fields Area Measure
Scientific Calculator
Maps Distance Calculator

Core services

We offer end-to-end product development solutions, tailor-made to fit your product's unique requirements.

Mobile App Development

We deliver cutting-edge mobile app development services in every industry. While we focus on development needs, we develop a mobile strategy that will take business idea from conceptualization to a well-loved app on app markets. Among all the other mobile application development companies, what sets us apart is the end-to-end solution to create a unique mobile experience across multiple platforms

We deliver cutting-edge mobile app development services in every industry. While we focus on development needs, we develop a mobile strategy that will take business idea from conceptualization to a well-loved app on app markets. Among all the other mobile application development companies, what sets us apart is the end-to-end solution to create a unique mobile experience across multiple platforms

Web Development

We work with the latest tech developments for front-end and back-end solutions, custom-made for your project, whilst ensuring code quality and security.

We deliver cutting-edge mobile app development services in every industry. While we focus on development needs, we develop a mobile strategy that will take business idea from conceptualization to a well-loved app on app markets. Among all the other mobile application development companies, what sets us apart is the end-to-end solution to create a unique mobile experience across multiple platforms

IT consulting

We offer IT consulting services that will help you improve your software architecture, create a tech-driven digital strategy, and improve operations by optimizing your software portfolio. Our software engineers will finish your digital transformation journey through careful planning and effective execution of the outlined IT strategy.

We deliver cutting-edge mobile app development services in every industry. While we focus on development needs, we develop a mobile strategy that will take business idea from conceptualization to a well-loved app on app markets. Among all the other mobile application development companies, what sets us apart is the end-to-end solution to create a unique mobile experience across multiple platforms